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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  November 14, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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bill, zero. that's it for us on "the five." >> brian: two completions. >> eric: see you tomorrow, everybody. captioned by closed captioning services, inc >> bret: the supreme court will review the controversial healthcare law and a ruling will likely fall in the middle of the 2012 presidential race. this is "special report." ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. the fate of president obama's signature legislation could be decided a few months before the election day 2012. today, justices said they will hear argument on the president's healthcare law in march. that makes a ruling possible in summer. shannon bream has more on what the court will do and react to the announcement. >> early next year, supreme court will wade to contentious legal battle in the healthcare
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law. including weighing constitutionality of the individual mandate which would require americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty. >> this affects every taxpayer, every business. the bottom line we said is unconstitutional. if they can force to us do this, they can force to us do anything. >> reporter: today, they were confident about the law moving forward and implementation will be upheld. >> we're confident it will be held as constitutional. we're sure they will put forth exchanges. >> reporter: they will also consider severability, whether or not the rest of the law can stand on its own if the mandate is struck down. with decision expected late june it will likely come in the midst of the 2012 bat if ever white house. if it is ruled unconstitutional, potential
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runners will have to defend their position. >> bret: romney is in a context. but even president obama as a candidate did not embrace an individual mandate. they put this together and now it's necessary to do so. >> last week in referendum in key battleground state that he recollects rejected the mandate by a 2-1 margin. demonstrating most buckeye voters do not stand with the president in the biggest legislative achievement. with the court officially set to rule on the law there are calls from various groups pressuring them to recuse themselves. thomas because of the wife's work with group oppose to the law. kagan because she served as solicitor general in obama before joining the court. those objecting to kagan participation vote to the response to freedom of information request. including one between the then
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solicitor general kagan and lawrence tribe on the day the house was set to vote on affordable care act. they wrote "i hear they have the votes, larry. simply amazing." whether or not a justice decides to recuse is up to him or her. honor system at the court. no indication they are considering it. bret? >> bret: shannon bream live at the supreme court. thank you. president obama is being criticized for a statement that appears to past aspersions on the american character. chief white house correspondent reports that makes three in the last three months. president obama is highlighting the strength and weaknesses. >> there are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the u.s. as a great opportunity. but we have been lazy i think over the last couple of decades. we take for granted people will come here and we're not
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hungry selling america. >> in september, president said america has gotten soft. went further last month at a san francisco fundraiser. >> we have lost our ambition. our imagination. and our willingness to do the things that built the golden get a bridge. >> as he sells his jobs plan, the president also been praising america's ingenuity. >> don't bet against america. don't bet against the workers or the businesses. >> his administration followed up with executive action. promising as much as $1 billion to innovative projects that test ways to deliver healthcare more efficiently. >> effort like these to improve the health of communities and reduce costs while sparking the economy are priority for the obama administration. >> the latest installment of we can't wait republicans.
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>> my expectation is we will get some of it done now. i will push until we get all of it done. that may take me all the way to november to get it done. >> obama administration has decided we can wait until after the election. to decide to approve the keystone xl pipeline. the pipeline would run from canada to texas. canadian prime minister steven harper who discussed it with the president in honolulu said he is disappointed by the delay and is suggesting that china may step in. >> this highlights why canada must secure the efforts and in the meantime they will step up the effort in that regard. >> white house spokesman told me today that the administration believes in a study suggesting that the pipeline will only coordinate
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a few thousand jobs. a light day for president in hawaii. he had a fundraiser this morning and now out golfing. >> bret: ed henry traveling with the president in honolulu. thank you. of course, republicans who want to replace president obama will no doubt try to make hey out of the lazy remark. chief washington correspondent jim angle reports how they are doing against the president and each other. >> as the republican presidential contenders battle one another, they are encouraged by a new poll by politico to show generic republican candidate tied with president obama at 43%. >> the president was at 43%. incumbent president in a two-way race cannot get re-elected at 43%. >> nevertheless, in head-to-head matchups, romney was six points behind mr. obama. cain nine points back. a candidate now enjoying a surge is newt gingrich in a public policy poll. democratic survey. gingrich came out on top at
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28%. with 25% for herman cain and 18% for mitt romney. >> everybody gets a turn being the challenger to mitt romney. the great advantage for romney is he has the money, and the organization to go the distance. >> in most other recent polls herman cain has been slipping in the face of accusations of sexual harassment for more than a decade ago. the ex-boyfriend of an accuser when she told him of the incident he asked no details. but gloria cain told greta van susteren she doesn't believe them. >> his conscience would bother him. he couldn't look me straight in the eye. >> late today, cain ran in a different kind of trouble with milwaukee journal sentnel and asked if he supported what president obama had done in libya. >> i do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reasons. that is a different one.
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i got to go back. got stuff twirling around in my head. >> he eventually got to a coherent answer but was confused getting there. >> meanwhile, in cbs national journal debate debated to foreign affairs. >> if i were president i would be willing to use waterboarding. i think it was very effective. >> torture is illegal. and by our laws it's illegal by international laws. we should not torture water. waterboarding is torture. >> republicans say the election is a referendum on mr. obama and his record. but democrats during the economy won't look that good next fall say no it's a choice between mr. obama and someone else. >> bret: in world headlines, jordan king abdullah has become the first arab leader
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to call for syrian president bashar assad to step down. this is amateur video purporting to show the city being shelled today. the european union says it will oppose sanks on more syrians over the government crackdown on dissent. member of former egyptian president hosni mubarak ruling party will be allowed to run in parliamentary elections this month. a court today overturned a ruling barring members of the now dissolved national democratic party running in one province. >> we can show you pictures of japan nuclear power plant crippled in the earthquake and tsunami in march. media were allowed to visit the facility saturday. the destruction caused by the disaster remains severe. over the weekend, republican presidential candidates accused president obama of being too soft on iran. from hawaii, the president fired back. foreign affairs reporter shows us what he said.
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>> president obama said iran would never complete the task. >> we're not taking options off the table. it's my belief that iran with a nuclear weapon would pose threat to region. >> china's president and the president of russia, mr. obama raised the report and the prospect of tighter sanctions. russia ruled out new sanctions. he says there is rule for tightening existing sanction. president obama says iran is hurting from them. >> sanctions have enormous scope. we are building off the program that has been established. >> but the economic pain is not dulled the nuclear ambition. at the hague, european foreign ministers were less inclined to leave all options on the table. >> i am. >> we do not participate in
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military intervention. we think this is counterproduction. >> meanwhile, the republican presidential contenders compete for the title that can be toughest on iran. >> this country can sanction iranian central bank right now and shut down that country economy. >> maximum covert operation to block and disrupt the iranian program. >> iran will have a nuclear weapon. and with me at 'they won't have nuclear weapon. >> the odd man out is ron paul who says it's a step toward war. a step he won't take. wendell goler, fox news. >> bret: cashing in on uncapitallist movement. optimism and pes schism over the super committee.
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the report plus analysis from brit hume.
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>> itly's new prime minister today began to put together his new government. mario monti took over following the resignation of silvio berlusconi. he will try to overhaul an ailing economy and restore the market confidence. he has pledge to act with a sense of urgency. at home, the stocks were down today. the dow lost 75. s&p 500 gave back 12. the nasdaq closed 21.5 behind. the panel will will try to keep the u.s. economy from going down the same road as much as europe is supposed to have its reputatio it ready nex. we look to see if superobservers think they can get it done. >> nine days before the deadline to find $1.2 trillion in savings, the house majority meter expressed optimism. "i don't think the sequester will be applicable.
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i'm confident they will get a deal." it refers to automatic cut to defense and spending, triggers designed to keep lawmakers at the negotiating table. >> my hope is over the next several days, congressional leadership on the super committee, go ahead and bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. >> because the math won't change. there is no magic formula. >> the republican cochair of the 12-member panel suggested that the super committee could set a target level to come from taxes and have the committee eventually work out details. >> there can be a two-step process that would hopefully give us pro growth tax reform. historically, this is how we both produced jobs and more revenue for the government. >> the fight continues over how much of it can be used for deficit reduction rather than tax rate reduction. calendar becoming a greater factor each day, as the thanksgiving deadline draws near. democratic source close to the super committee is hopeful, but not particularly optimistic. others across the aisle
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describe the situation as fluid which allowed the necessary flex to believe strike a last-minute agreement. >> it's a difficult point. we have a ways to go. i hope we can close it quickly. >> one challenge is it doesn't have a unified position. >> this is a great deal of admiration for all of them, the democrats have not coalesceed around a plan. >> experts say even if the panel can muster $1.2 trillion package, i won't be enough to save off a debt crisis. so tomorrow they will push them to go big in $4 trillion. >> senior political analyst brit hume is here to explore why the supercommittee is deadlineed. >> de tocqueville said the american republic would last stay until the congress
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discovers it can bribe the public with the public money. it's now refined the public. resistance lies at the heart of the super committee deadlock. consider that the top ten percent of income are paying 70% of the income taxes. bottom 50% pay practically nothing but benefit from the spending. now they insist that the rich are not paying their fair share. any deal to post the deficit must have higher income taxes mostly on the rich. this is familiar. republicans are outvoted. when the bill comes due, they want to pay for it. they're urged to go along because the bills must be paid. they are overwhelmed by later spending. republicans may be on this game. but they face uphill battle.
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half of the country not paying income taxes, it's a small wonder. >> some of the president critics say he wants to see a supercommittee fail so he can run against do-nothing congress. president supporters says he wants a big deal because it takes an issue off the table. how do you think it falls politically? >> i think this hurts everyone involved. the republicans and democrats in congress. big deal to ratify and sign in law would help him. i would help the take the issue off the table. if it fails, it becomes a blame game. people can argue the president might be able to win the blame game. but then you apportion something nobody wants which is blame. i don't know if it's any wonder it goes down. >> you like the new look? >> i do. you look great in it, bret. >> bret: thank you. still ahead, the occupy movement gets moved out. but first, more fall-out from the scandal at penn state.
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ford fusion has now been named the most dependable midsize car by jd power and associates. we go to kimberly. any thoughts on this news? i have no idea what's goin on. we are out. what was that? they told me it's the most dependable midsize sedan and they ran back into their little box. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles for up to 16 hours of relief. that's 8 hours while you wear it, plus an additional 8 hours of relief after you take it off. can your patch, wrap, cream or rub say that? so if you've got pain... get up to 16 hours of pain relief with thermacare.
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>> bret: the recall effort for wisconsin governor scott walker begins tomorrow. organizers will hold a late-night rally and early morning ma jama party to kick it off. democrat, labor unions and others are upset with a law restricting the public bargaining right for public workers. five former secretary of states are urging congress not make deep cut in foreign aid, they signed a letter say it advances interest overseas. this week, the senate considers a $53 billion spending bill for state department and foreign operations. state officials say the number of college students on college campuses was up 5%.
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the increase is fueled by a 22% jump in those coming from china that make up one-fourth of $724,000 international students. in the u.s. the focus for many people at . state is not at academic. the child sex scand that rockerocked the school and community is spreading the stigma offcampus. dade lee miller has the story. >> the court who released alleged pedophile jerry sandusky on bail is coming under fire. online biography of judge t judge says she did volunteer work for the charity founded by sandusky. the work was reportedly did after sandusky resigned from the foundation. the judge reportedly contribute money to second mile after sandusky's departure. the attorney general office sought half a million dollars bail and electronic monitor. speaking on fox news sunday he
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predicted the number of victims will likely increase. >> in looking at cases like this, it would not be unlikely to find other victims. the word gets out and people find out that authorities are doing something about it, they may come forward. >> sandusky is keeping a low profile. the principal of the elementary school says precautions have been taken to protect the children. over the weekend, pittsburgh steeler running back frank o'harris said criticism of paterno has been unfair and unjust. >> i thought joe handled it way he was supposed to handle it. support to his superiors in what he did. that is the way it should be. >> the penn state sex abuse
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scandal resulted in another resignation. the ceo of the second mile charity founded by jerry sandusky which he used to find his young victims stepped down. the new head of the charity told us tonight he is not sure if the charitable foundation will survive the controversy. >> bret: david lee, thank you. leaders of the citadel regret not going to police when a youth camp counselor was accused of sex abuse. the individual since was arrested and admitted to arresting five boys. if you bought a copy of the ""atlas shrugged" movie, check for a surprise. and the grapevine is next. offic? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up."
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>> bret: now some fresh pickings from the polical grapevine. the obama administration is said to be pushing a half billion dollar contract to buy experimental drug that may not be needed or effective. the "l.a. times" reports siga technologies won a no-bid contract to supply expensive smallpox drug meant to boost the nation biodefense. it was eradicateed in 1998. the new drug is untested on human. epidemiologists calls it a "waste of time and a waste of
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money." the controlling shareholder of siga technologies is big-time democratic donor. the health and human services official overseaing the contracts, said it would strengthen the drug's preparedness and the deal was awarded strictly on merit. fans will have to shrug off a mistake included the retail packaging in the movie "atlas shrugged." ththe title sheet on the dvd and blu-ray version said self-sacrifice, the opposite of what rand advocates. the production company apologized and notes the irony is inescapable. jay-z and michael moore are jumping on the occupy wall street bandwagon with both capitalist feet. c'ya-z is selling occupy wall street t-shirt for -- occupy
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all street for $22. moore got attention for visiting a number of occupy camps on a book tour promoting his $27 a pop memoir. it appears that patience with occupiers has gone from wearing thin to wearing out in several cities. the "new york post" shows how retired nypd cop dealt with occupier who interrupted the swearing in of the republican congressman bob turner sunday. casey stegall on other protesters. >> upheaval and the shooting death of a man last week, today tents came down at the occupy wall street camp in oakland. >> from oakland to st. louis, denver to salt lake city. dozens of arrests at occupy movement across the country this weekend including encampment closures. >> we have no intention of leaving.
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if we do get evicted we will be back. >> in portland, mayor sam adam set a midnight deadline on saturday with demonstrators to pack up and leave. >> crime especially, reported assault increase in area and around the camp. >> thousands of people fill the street in spite of eviction warnings. a woman was rapeed saturday inside a tent at occupy philadelphia site. the city leaders arrested a suspect but the future of the event there is in question. >> their intentions have changed. all of this is not good. >> the sentiment is echoed in growing number of cities. those saying the that the message is fine but the crime and jo squalor is not. >> they're defecating all over the plaza. >> people have a right to
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assemble and protest. small business owners held a protest of their own and they said it cost local companies half a million dollars in lost revenue. in los angeles, casey stegall, fox news. >> bret: there is a strong reaction to report of "60 minutes" that allege some members of congress are making a killer on stocks. two in the piece were house peeker john boehner and nancy pelosi. spokesman for pelosi said cbs based reporting on what he called already discredited conservative author. boehner said he had not made day-to-day investment decisions for years. they write featuring four republicans it unfairly paints it as g.o.p. problem. the source that has seen the book on which it's based, says
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up to 70% of those named in the book are democrats. the news week reporter says one of those the john kerry, saying kerry made profits of up to $3 million on trades relating to pharmaceuticals based on information he learned as chairman of the senate sub committee on healt health. the supreme court agrees to take up president obama healthcare law. the case and politics around it. reaction from the fox all-stars when we come back. with new extra-strength bayer advanc aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain ice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for unsurpassed fru and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion. could've had a v8.
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music music we're centurylink we're committed to improving lives and linking americans to what matters most with honest personal service 5 year price lock guarantees, consistantly fast speeds and more ways to customise your technology it is important to put to rest maybe the law will disappear, maybe the law will be struck down. we are confident that the court will indeed uphold the law and it will be a big signal to let's go forward with great acceleration. >> never before has the commerce clause been stretched so far to force americans to purchase a product we believe the supreme court will not
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expand the commerce clause to include that mandate on americans and infringe upon their liberty. >> bret: supreme court justices today deciding they will take up the case, the biggest of the cases involving the president's healthcare law. basically weighing the constitutionality of the individual mandate. the timing of this is in the middle of the presidential race in 2012. oral arguments in march and a decision in june. what about this? let's bring in the panel. juan williams, columnist with the hill. sam youngman, white house correspondent for fair hill and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. start with the case, itself. it's not a shock that the justices decided to take the case. but they are taking the whole enchilada. >> they are doing it with 5-1/2 hours. a record. dividing it in four parts. one on the constitutionality of the mandate.
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second, if it's separable from the rest of the bill. the third whether they have standing. until the first penalty kicks in at 2015. the last is on the issue of the negative expansion. is it constitutional? by doing that, i think the court allows itself to come out of a decision. one of the lower courts for example upheld expansion of the medicare and struck down the constitutionality of the mandate. that, of course, is the key issue. that is the issue. on which everything hinges and it is an issue of tremendous, the most important probably since rowe over what is the scope of the reach of power. the limit of what congress can do. because it looks as if it's not struck down, there is no limit to the power of doing anything it wants under the commerce clause. >> bret: sam, one part of this, as charles mentioned the severability. if the law can stand on its own without the mandate.
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there is some debate whether funding wise it could sustain itself without the individual mandate. >> right. i don't know that you have got a healthcare bill without the mandate. which is plenty, if you do to 2008. this wasn't something that president obama was in favor of to begin with. this was the hillary clinton idea. the individual mandate is the court. this is what the president needs. he needs it to be in some shape he can run off of. as of right now, i think they would think it would be good news. >> play politics here, juan. if you get a decision in june, you will likely have a g.o.p. nominee by then heading toward the convention in august. how does it play? >> it depends the nominee. today the likelihood is it's mitt romney. interesting. let's say the court says that the individual mandate is constitutional and allows it to go forward. romney would be in a position to say i supported the
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individual mandate in massachusetts. president obama supporting the individual mandate. i'm not sure whether it's a negative there. let's say the view is unconstitutional and say romney is the nominee, the same dynamic applies. a dynamic place that if it's voted down, they could run against the court. denied the major piece of legislation to help the american people. >> it sounds like martyrdom race. he is already saying that the republicans are preventing him from getting his jobs bill through. congress is preventing him doing things. hi would run against the supreme court? >> i'm not sure it's impossible with the base. the major supreme court ruling on the type, it would be in the bush argue in the the 2000 case when the supreme court ruled essentially george bush is president of the united states, or think of
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mccain-feingold. what you are seeing the is liberal base is more antagonistic as what they see. >> you don't win on the liberal base. gallup shows 20% of americans are liberal. you have can't win on 20%. if the president decides after running against congress, running against the republicans. now he is going to run against the supreme court which is one of the few institutions that is held in high esteem. it look like a wider, an illusion. if the mandate is struck down, it helps them perhaps because the issue of obamacare will be moot. we know how unpopular is it with vote on tuesday in ohio, where the mandate was on the ballot and opposed by margin of 31 points. but i think in the perverse way it would really hurt him. the reason is he is running against a do-nothing congress. the republicans would run
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against a do-nothing administration. $1 trillion on stimulus that left increased unemployment of 2 million. economy stagnant. lastly, financial reform leaving us in a position where the financial institutions today are hanging by a thread. are these his accomplishments? the argument would be two years in office, four years in office. he has accomplished nothing. >> you have to be careful here. because if the republicans put themselveses in this position saying we like the status quo on healthcare. we like the insurance company making decisions. we like healthcare cause -- >> bret: but you acknowledge how unpopular if you look at the ohio vote in particular. you have a selective bargaining. >> a large segment of people who don't like the healthcare law are people strongly liberal who think there should be public option. they think it's outrage that didn't go far enough. >> bret: i don't think that was the message from ohio. >> i tend to agree with charles. if it goes down to the president there is a victory there.
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he can campaign on it. if it's upheld going back to the rowe decision. look how energized the pro-life institch whensy has been since then. you will have the tea party, which ignited, sustain and grew from the healthcare debate now have another bat to take in november. >> bret: but can mitt romney if he is the nominee make that battle with the energy of the tea party behind him if he has this healthcare situation in massachusetts? if it's struck down can nominee romney capitalize on the argument that charles made that the administration wasted time on healthcare law? >> i think so. it will be a tough position for romney either way. this is albatross around his neck until november is over. it's not going away. >> romney or not, if it's struck down the argument is here is a president that spent a year-and-a-half on this. it's unpopular. unconstitutional. he gave us this and said he has achieved nothing. gave us financial reform.
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hanging by a thread. what has he done in the four years in office? why would anybody want to re-elect a president who accomplished zero? >> in that year-and-a-half on healthcare, wasn't the democratic congress, of course. >> the answer would be oh, gee, he kept this economy afloat at a time when we were going straight toward a depression. here is someone who tried to accomplish something that they tried for administrations to straighten out expensive and burdensome healthcare system. >> struck it down, the supreme court. >> bret: next up, the president says america has become lazy when it comes to getting foreign investments. i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee.
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sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. reddi-wip us real dairy crm. nothing's more real than reddi-wip.
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we have ban little lazy over the past couple of decades. we have taken for granted well, people will want to come here. we aren't out there hungry selling america and trying to attract new businesses into america. >> the president was making the case that it is time for the united states and our foreign policy to focus on the asia pacific region. we need to redouble our efforts to be engaged in the region. this is true economically and also important strategically as well. that is a good case that the president was taking. >> bret: answer questions, the president's aide about the statement, about america being lazy. in september, you may remember the president said america is getting soft. a little soft he said is the quote. he went further last month in san francisco saying we have lost the ambitious, imagination and willingness to do the things, that built golden get a bridge and hoover dam. back with the panel. is this a trend, are the critics wrong criticizing
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this? bringing this up saying that the president is soft on america? >> i think the critics want to invite the idea he's not strong, pro-american and not praising us for our strength. again, the idea is most americans at this point think overwhelmingly the country is heading in the wrong direction. we have to get on track and be assertive about benefit of doing business in america. specifically business we want to attract the best innovateive industry in the world to come and establish themselves in the united states. >> that is the message. >> bret: he has said other things, prodding american ingenuity, don't bet against america to be fair. but this is getting attention. >> this is the president doing what he thinks is tough love. to light a fire under the backside of congress to get them moving on the jobs bill.
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this is like a pep talk at halftime. but in an election that is about character. an election that is nasty, this comes back to hurt him. in 2008 he said americans are bitter and cling to guns and bibles. that hurt him. the more we hear this, it hurts him. >> bret: there are republican candidates on the stump who weave in american exceptionalism in their answers. it seems to try to wedge in between these statements. >> no one is asking him to go out there and a cheerleader. but when you call your own country lazy when you are abroad and call it unambitious and soft when you are home, i think what you are showing is nothing but ill-concealed contempt. obama is ready to blame everybody except himself for the lousy economy. the lack of investment. why are people reluctant to
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invest? we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, in the industrialized world. obama has spoken about it. one issue on which the republicans would have agreed on lowering that rate, eliminating the loopholes in three years in office. he has done nothing. he hasn't nlrv, trying to shut down $1 billion plant that was constructed as a favor to obama union ally people look abroad and say this isn't a place i want to do business. it's his issues, his overregulation over taxation. all the red tape he has added. now he blames americans' laziness. unseemly. >> bret: we talked about the keystone xl pipeline and the talk that we can't wait. but the administration can wait on this pipeline. we learned transscan da, the company, will plan to move the pipeline out of environmenta environmentally sensitive area in nebraska and is confident it will win approval despite
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delay from the u.s. administration. what about that and how it plays internationally and nationally? >> well, i think nationally, if they are able to make a case that is out of the environmentally sensitive areas, it's a big boost. you have a republican governor opposed to this plan. it's not altogether oh, it's just liberal environmentalists here. if they are able to make the case, it bolsters the fort and gives president obama and his administration a better basis saying yes, i approve of it and jobs that come with it. that is the key. >> bret: maybe the meeting with prime minister harper had benefits. >> they are making an offer he can't refuse. at some point, he is not going to win on the base. he has been unsummitting them. he needs to make sure it's not a black eye for environmentalists. >> bret: charles, i want to ask about iran. the president said he came in to office the world was
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divided. now the world is united isolating iran. he said the u.s. is in a stronger position than we were two or three years ago on iran. he said it at a news conference last night. he did not mention the planned attack tied to iran of the saudi ambassador to kill him. what about that statement? >> what you have is mistaking ends and means. that you succeeded in the policy against arab if you have a strong perso strong westd front. but it's only means for program. he can have as strong affront as he wants but iran is closer to a bomb today than he was when he entered office. what we have under his policy a strong-unit west. the object is stop, slow down the program. to boast about iran isolation
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when chinese and russian saying we won't allow any new sanctions is to misunderstand how much the policy has failed. >> bret: stay tune for unusual confrontation. [ courier ] the amazing story of whether bovine heart tissue
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can make it from australia to a u.s. lab to a patient in time for surgery may seem like a trumped-up hollywood premise. ♪ but if you take away the dramatic score... take away the dizzying 360-degree camera move...
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>> bret: finally tonight, we occasionally see stories of zoo animals escaping or a mountain lion or a bear loose in some community and authorities have to deal with it. but in los angeles, it just seems different. >> early this morning. >> here in los angeles, l.a.p.d. began tracking the 500-pound bear through a residential neighborhood. officers had to protect themselves with guns. and at one point became very hostile by getting into a confrontation with authorities. [gunfire] [ laughter ] >> bret: it is a dangerous scene. drop me a lin


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